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Click here for translation quote.

Developer Tools

Snippet DT Control
File Size:
20.46 MB

Snippet Design time Control is an Server control which enables end-users to translate a web page to different Indian languages.It can be easily integrated with the ASP.Net websites with just drag and drop or by creating it's instance.

Translations provided by this extension are domain specific. User can switch back to the original English web site as well. User choices for language options and localization will be preserved so that next time user get localized version of those websites automatically.

 Supported Languages:

1. Assamese

2. Bengali

3. Gujarati

4. Hindi

5. Kannada

6. Malayalam

7. Marathi

8. Oriya

9. Punjabi

10. Tamil

11. Telugu

12. Marathi(DV) to Marathi(Modi)

Joomla Go-Translate CMS Plugin
File Size:
166.95 kB

Joomla CMS Plugin

Transliteration DT Control
File Size:
15.73 MB

Transliteration Design time Control is an Server control for developers who want to enable multilingual typing support for their web applications. It can be easily integrated with the ASP.Net websites with just drag and drop or by creating it's instance.
Supported Languages:

Translation Snippet
File Size:
1.55 MB

The web based JavaScript snippet enables end-users to translate a web page to different Indian languages. It can be easily integrated in any web based application by including and calling JavaScript based API.

Translations provided by this extension are domain specific. User can switch back to the original English web site as well. User choices for language options and localization will be preserved so that next time user get localized version of those websites automatically.

 Supported Languages:

1. Assamese

2. Bengali

3. Gujarati

4. Hindi

5. Kannada

6. Malayalam

7. Marathi

8. Oriya

9. Punjabi

10. Tamil

11. Telugu

12. Marathi(DV) to Marathi(Modi)


Click here to watch video for snippet integration.

GoTranslate Web Localizer Plugin
File Size:
1.87 MB

GoTranslate Web Localizer plugin is a Google Chrome Extension for “Website Translation & In-context Contribution with Sentence-level support” developed by ‘C-DAC GIST’, which can help localize websites on the fly into various Indian languages.

System Requirements:

• Chrome Browser

• On Windows and Mac


 Click Here to download "GoTranslate Web Localizer plugin" for Chrome.